TV Writers strike, America asks, TV HAS WRITERS?
You had no idea there's a writers strike going on. And if pressed, most of you would probably guess that Ryan Seacrest is both the lead writer for American Idol as well as the Bionic Woman pilot. All of these facts are erroneous. We should mentioned that this is a general SAG strike, so it covers both film and TV writers and a few other groups we're gonna ignore, becauseTV writers really deserve the heat on this one. The truth is, TV writers have been on strike since the mid 90s. The last truly original TV plot was for Disney's TV adaption of Alladin, the episode featured a strange reptilian Genie hunter named The Mukhtar that rode a Velociraptor. And that was it. Actually, TV has been so regularly bad for so long that most of you won't be bothered by the forced-reruns due to the strike. That's because writers have be reusing the same characters and plot lines for most of the last two decades. So what's new? The funny thing is that writers are demanding some kind of serious pay increase. Which on the surface would be something Elite Op would support, and we would if- ANY OF THEM COULD WRITE Alias, 24, Desperate House wives, all 12 of the CSI shows, anything touched by J.J. Abrams etc, none of the writers on these programs deserve to be paid more than $70,000 a year. Here's the real reason why: none of these writers actually write for these shows. Let's take ABC's Lost for example, one of the key writers, Jeffrey Lieber, is told that he needs to write three episodes, over the next three weeks. He proceeds to spend the next 20 days arguing with co-writer Damon Lindelof about his fantasy football team's offensive line, posting comments on What Would Tyler Durden Do and shopping compulsively for JDM TV components. On the last day of his deadline Jeff comes home and hands his kid an outline for the plots, one he sketched up on a napkin, and bribes his 11-year old to "fill in the blanks" for daddy, and if he does, daddy will buy him an iPhone or a BJ from Lohan. Whatever. That's pretty much how it goes. These people do not deserve to get paid crazy amounts of money, they don't work for it. Really, no one in the entertainment industry should get paid over 100k a year. That ABSOLUTELY includes professional athletes; Peyton Manning is a great quarterback, but unless he can throw a perfect spiral to the surface of the moon - should he really be getting paid $35,037,700? That number is so long it actually hurts your hands to type it all out. Greed is completely out of control in the entertainment industry, but that's not news, certainly no more than printing, "there's nothing new on TV tonight." No kidding.
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